Metal Mouth


I don’t know with you guys, but my generation is kind of, sort of a stereotyping one. One kid makes a mistake, the whole school picks on him. And I seriously think that is just so awful. You see, teenagers nowadays try more to blend in, rather than stand out. With that, you do not get picked on a lot. Nor are you praised then others will hate you for it. The way you look to they way you behave, every single thing will be considered and be ridiculed if you ever try to stand out. And when it comes to teeth, you are making a big deal out of yourself.



Admit it, even you yourself may say that kids who wear braces instantly labeled as a “nerd”. But for concerned and smart parents, this thing is kind of a necessity and a huge impact on the physical well-being of their child. Their trying to invest in something promising. The teeth is just something precious to take good care of. That’s why we are often told by our parents to brush. And should we fail at such an endeavor, there are always excellent companies whose help is at the ready when it comes to dental problems.



So when you have a kid and you’re getting him a brace, try to look for something appropriate that he could not get picked on. Listen as I tell you, your kid will have a very hard time if you fail. I bet you yourself have experienced such a thing have you wore braces before being called “metal mouth” which I believe you don’t find funny at all.

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